The chief of the African village Tereli has sent a ceremonial necklace to Burley-in-Wharfedale Parish Council Chairman Caroline Jones to thank the village for their charity work.

Burley has worked to fund projects in Tereli, Mali, since 2000, sending money for building schools, hospitals and drinking water supplies.

The necklace Dogon jewellery worn by warriors - was chosen by a villager called Zakari Saye who is training to be a doctor.

He decided to send the necklace because the campaigning work of the council makes them modern-day warriors.

Zakari said: "The one who wears this has to stand in front of the population and lead them. In the case of victory or failure they have to tell them.

"You are holding the life of your population in your hand. You have to be courageous and powerful.

"The cowrie shell on the necklace represents wealth and power. It used to be the currency."

He added that the two bronze circles symbolised the communities of Burley and Tereli. These are joined together by the 'On the Line' link that binds the villages across latitudes along the Greenwich meridian line.

The letter from the village chief

To the Chair of Burley-in-Wharfedale Parish Council:

We are delighted to write this letter to you. It is with great pleasure that we have welcomed your fellow villagers Mary and John Wood and Anne Parker to our village of Tereli.

We received from them all the messages of friendship and the good wishes sent again to the whole population of Tereli.

We accept with hearts filled with joy and again send the same good wishes and greetings to all the loyal members of the Burley Parish Coun-cil.

We constantly thank you for your tireless help for the village of Tereli.

Thanks to you we have a maternity hospital, wells and classrooms that are in the process of construction.

Receive all our good wishes for peace, good health, happiness and especially for friendship in the new year.

We hope you will be filled with success in all your business ventures during 2007.

Best wishes on behalf of the village of Tereli,

Village Chief Dogolou Saye