A LOCAL community has stepped up to help an Addingham man paralysed in tragic biking accident.

Jaime Lunn, 46, came off his mountain bike on Ilkley Moor on April 25 last year, sustaining spinal injuries at C6 level, leaving him with no sensation below his chest.

After spending months in hospital he was finally allowed home on November 13, but he desperately needs that home adapting to allow himself and his family - partner Caroline McCullough and their children Florence, nine, and Seth, aged seven - to lead as normal a life as possible.

The house is not suitable for someone in a wheelchair, with carpets, narrow doors and no accessible bathroom or kitchen.

A fundraising page has now raised 98 per cent of a £75,000 target and a committee called Jaime’s Journey, made up of villagers, is well on the way making the adaptations happen.

The committee will remove the stress and additional workload of managing the ongoing fundraising activity and allow Jaime and Caroline to concentrate on their young family and the physiotherapy which is vital to his recovery.

Jaime’s Journey committee member Barry Orr said: “Jaime, Caroline, Florence and Seth are stunned at the response they have received as they seek assistance in securing his rehabilitation and modifying their home.

“The response of the village of Addingham (and indeed further afield) has been truly heart-warming and inspirational since Jaime’s Journey was set-up a little over a month ago to coordinate the efforts needed to improve the family’s quality of life, now and in the future.

“The local response began with Croft Builders erecting a concrete ramp and wooden banister to make it easier for Jaime to leave the house safely for exercise and rehabilitation. This was provided free of charge by the builders.

“Another local business - Tropic Skincare’s independent trader - Gail Hargreaves donated her entire January’s sales commission as well.

“Jonny Stourton of Kidfit is running a 500-1 raffle to raise money and both Addingham Primary School and Ilkley Grammar school have committed to fund raising events.

“Scott Thompson, a locally-based cyclist has teamed up with friends to do a sponsored cycle ride of the Liverpool to Leeds canal (of 127 miles) to raise funds for Jaime’s benefit.

“The committee has met four times and have had the house renovation plans drawn up and put the building work out to tender.

“We have also received many generous offers of assistance from other professionals to do the work for free. Local building merchants have also offered materials needed for the work.

“It is hoped that building work will commence within the next two months at which time regular progress updates will be provided.”

To donate to the family, visit justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jamiel-01.

To contact the committee of Jaime’s Journey, email: info@jaimesjourney.co.uk.