New committee members are needed to ensure the continuity and wellbeing of Addingham Civic Society, say the society’s chairman.

John Walmsley, who plans to stand down from the role in November, says the society is short of members to join the committee, and those who form the new committee will have to take on additional responsibilities, unless new people volunteer for the roles.

He said the post of vice chairman will need to be filled, and the society is keen to find extra members to bring the committee up to full strength.

The society lost its treasurer, Michael Driver, recently, and is also seeking a volunteer who can take on the role. The job could easily be handled by an accountant or experienced book-keeper, says the group.

The society paid tribute to Mr Driver in its May newsletter, commending the contribution he made to managing the society’s financial affairs.

The Civic Society said: “Michael would know the importance of his work continuing with the least delay and we are therefore seeking someone who can take over the role of treasurer.”

Mr Walmsley said two committee members are due to relinquish their positions at the annual general meeting in November, and the future of the society would be in question if volunteers do not come forward.

He said: “The future continuation of the society will be very much in question if we fail to recruit willing volunteers to maintain a viable committee to prevent the demise of the Civic Society and with it exciting plans for the future.

“I am appealing to anyone who is prepared to consider joining to give it serious thought. Please ring me on 839605 to discuss committee affairs and what is involved.”

Anyone interested in becoming treasurer is asked to contact the honorary secretary, Mike Bolton, on 01943 831117.

The civic society aims to stimulate interest and involvement in actively promoting the quality if life in Addingham, promoting high standards of planning and architecture, and encouraging preservation, conservation, development and improvement of features of public amenity.

It holds regular meetings with talks on subjects of local interest, and organises social events and coffee mornings.