A plan for the new Ilkley Grammar School has been rejected because it did not contain enough information.

The plan - to replace the current school on Cowpasture Road, Ilkley, with a new 1,900-pupil school in Ben Rhydding - was submitted this week but when officers at Ilkley Town Hall examined it, they discovered that necessary reports and details were missing.

Wharfedale Councillor Chris Greaves is the chairman of the Keighley Area Planning Panel. He said: “An application has been received but it was determined it wasn’t valid so it has been rejected.”

Coun Greaves said that some important reports were missing - including an environmental report. The school has now been told to include the missing reports and re-submit the application.

Despite the setback, Addingham councillor Michael Kelly, who is in charge of the district’s education system, said he was impressed with the plan.

He said: “I am sure people will be won over. It looks so good. It takes into account all the concerns that have been expressed in your newspaper.”

He said that the building would be dug partly into the hillside to prevent it spoiling the view of people living in nearby streets.

There are also bus lay-bys on Wheatley Lane to prevent congestion being caused when pupils are being picked up at night or dropped off.

Coun Kelly said: “The views of the houses of the objectors on Wheatley will remain totally unblemished. People coming along Coutances Way will see the building just nestling into the hillside.

“Roof ends of the building will look like trees. People looking from the road will almost not see a building.”

Coun Greaves said he thought that it could be weeks before the extra reports are added and the plan is re-submitted.