AIREBOROUGH Civic Society's programme of Friday evening free walks start this week and will continue throughout the spring and summer.

The walks - mainly in Aireborough - run every fortnight on Friday evenings until August 30.

Chair of Aireborough Civic Society Clive Woods said: “This is a great opportunity to get to know some of the most attractive parts of our area, enjoy the spring and summer evenings in our countryside and get some healthy exercise!

"This Friday’s walk (May 24th) is a look at the history of Yeadon from Yeadon Town Hall to Murgatroyds, also visiting Yeadon Tarn, Penny Fool Hill, World’s End and finding the former home of Ernest Ethelbert Slater who took many wonderful photographs of Aireborough over 100 years ago when he was manager of Ives Mill.”

For this walk meet outside Yeadon Town Hall for a 6.30pm start. New faces are especially welcome.

The next first three walks this year are as follows: Friday, May 24, 6.30pm “Upper Yeadon History Talk and Walk” Part 2. Meet at Town Hall, Yeadon (might finish at a pub). Organiser Clive Woods (07772 795429).

Friday, June 7, 6.30pm “Otley and Clifton”. Meet at Wharfemeadows Park, Otley. Organiser Sue Dixon (0113 250 6858).

Friday, June 21, 6.30pm “ Hunger Hills”. Meet at Jubliee Hall, Layton Avenue, Rawdon. Organiser: Pam Smith (07505 938 529).

The Friday evening walks were started in 1993 by the late Albert Shutt, then Chairman of the Aireborough Civic Society. His plan was to explore the Aireborough area, visiting places even local residents hadn’t been to, and ensuring footpaths were kept in use.

Unless stated the walks are normally between three and four miles in length. The pace is as fast as the slowest walker.

As the walks cover a variety of terrain, sturdy footwear is strongly advised, along with weatherproof clothing. Most of the walks involve gradients, hills and stiles.

If you have any questions about a particular walk please contact the walk leader at the telephone numbers given on the society's website.

The Civic Society holds its normal meetings and talks on the last Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in Rawdon Community Library, Micklefield Park, Rawdon.

The next Community Meeting is on Tuesday, May 28, 2024: to update on and discuss issues of local interest. Everyone is welcome.