A NATIONAL initiative that brings people together to meet socially and talk about sustainability is to launch a group in Ilkley next month.

The first Ilkley People, Planet, Pint meet-up will be held at the Ticket Office Bar in Station Plaza on Thursday, March 21 from 5pm to 7pm and is being hosted by Jo Tindall, a Partner at law firm, gunnercooke LLP, Ian Smith from Craftscale and Sarah Jones, founder of local B Corp certified Full Circle Funerals. All of the hosts have business operations in Ilkley.

Sarah Jones, said: “PPP is an opportunity for those with an interest in sustainability to meet like-minded people, make connections and friends.

“The events will be very informal, with no presentations or speeches, just a chance to meet new people and chat about life and how we can sustain it.

“Everyone is welcome, regardless of their experience or background, to enjoy a drink while sharing ideas and inspiring one another to take action in our community.”

Jo Tindall added: “We hope to bring to together local businesses, interest groups, and individuals in what will be a fun and informal setting.”

The first People, Planet, Pint was an impromptu event at COP26 in Glasgow, with 30 people turning up to talk about sustainability in a friendly and relaxed space.

The event has now brought together over 10,000 people at more than 450 events, with Ilkley being the latest town to get involved.

PPP founder Adam Bastock said: “PPP is about starting broad conversations across all parts of the community, not just for sustainability experts, but anyone who is concerned or curious. There is no agenda, workshops or webinars at our events. It’s simply a chat over some drinks where you can meet others and hear about the work that is happening locally.”

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ilkley-people-planet-pint-sustainability-meetup-tickets-827279634657