THE spring programme at Washburn Heritage Centre 'Journey through time' will takes visitors on a whistle-stop tour of the Washburn Valley, from the laying down of primeval rocks to the building of the Heritage Centre.

A spokesperson said: "The shaping of the landscape by glaciers, the evidence of Bronze and Iron Age settlements and remains of Roman occupation come under our spotlight. An exciting and varied programme, including walks, talks, suppers, workshops and visits will complement the theme of the history of the Valley. Saxons, Vikings and Normans have all influenced the area we see today.

"Agriculture, industrialisation and the building of the reservoirs bring us up to date with what Washburn means now. There is something for everyone in what we hope is an exciting programme.

"Please see our website or phone 01943 880794 for further information or to book events. Members receive a discount on all costs for a fee of only £10 per year."