AS we start a new year many of us will be thinking of New Year’s resolutions, or how to achieve a healthy, happy year.

My name is Safi Newton and I am a Wellbeing Co-ordinator with Linking Leeds based in Otley.

Linking Leeds is the free city-wide social prescribing service and we believe that everyone can live a healthy and happy life, however sometimes people need help to achieve this. We have a friendly team of Wellbeing Co-ordinators across Leeds and are able to work with people who are over 16 and registered with a GP in Leeds.

For many of us Christmas can be difficult or exhausting and we can enter the New Year feeling unsure of how to make positive changes, or tackle the challenges in front of us. If you are feeling stressed, lonely, anxious or just want to be more active and meet new people then Linking Leeds Wellbeing Co-ordinators can help. You can make contact with us directly or your GP can refer you to the service. We can work with you for up to eight weeks through one hour appointments which can be face-to-face or on the phone. A Wellbeing Co-ordinator will work closely with you to understand your needs and will then help you to feel empowered to access relevant services and groups in your community. For some people one conversation is enough to help you know which services and opportunities are available, whilst for others meeting regularly for up eight weeks is most beneficial. To ensure that making positive change feels manageable we can create an action plan with you, identifying goals and timescales to achieve these.

We can signpost you to services which help with isolation, debt and money managements, drug and alcohol issues, eating disorders, housing issues, LGBTQ support, smoking cessation, mediation, food poverty, chronic pain, support for older people, domestic abuse, neurodiversity, peer support groups, activity groups locally or online to learn new skills or enjoy hobbies, faith connections, volunteering opportunities, benefits, physical and/or mental health.

If you think you would like our support then you can contact us directly on 0113 336 7612 or email and we will be in contact within five working days.

Feedback from service users:

1. I was given helpful, relevant information about services that could help me and offer advice for my situation. I felt I was listened to and understood by my Wellbeing Co-ordinator.

2. My situation has changed completely. I was anxious about the future but now I feel confident and optimistic.

3. It's made me a lot happier in myself and I feel like I can do things now whereas I couldn't a few months ago. It's brought back a bit of normality.

4. I feel more confident in my ability to set boundaries where it is necessary. I feel clearer about where I am at and where I need to be, than before I started using this service.

5. You can call in the afternoon which works better for me and I love how friendly/non judgmental you are. It's very important not to feel judged when I am telling you personal/emotional things about me.

6. This helped me to get involved in the areas/ options that most suited me and now I’m now attending two different sessions each week.