CHILDREN from Years 1 and 6 from Ben Rhydding Primary School visited the Festival of Nativity Scenes that took place last week at Ben Rhydding Methodist church.

They were excited to see an amazing variety of over 80 exhibits but also to see their own work on display on the theme of Kindness. Through their art work and writing they provided visitors to the Festival with much to think about as well as to admire. There was also highly attractive art work by children from Ashlands Primary School, a splendid contribution from the children of Ben Rhydding Pre-School and contributions also from residents of Glen Rosa Care Home and Emmandjay Court. Many of the exhibits had interesting back stories to tell and visitors were astonished at the craftsmanship involved and the wide range of sizes and styles represented. Admission was free but donations were invited in aid of Parkinson's UK, the church's adopted charity of the year.