THE ninth Jigsaw Festival at Christchurch, Ilkley, was another huge success.

People of all ages attended in their hundreds and made their choices from the completed jigsaws with enthusiasm.

Visitors enjoyed snacks, drinks and meals from The Christchurch Cafe, which was open for the duration of the Festival.

The jigsaw team was kept busy on all three days replenishing the extensive range of puzzles.

The total raised was £5,000, which will be divided equally between three charities and Christchurch: Action for Children, Homeless Hampers and Christians against Poverty. The charity Action for Children is a cause particularly close to the heart of organisers as it is one of the charities supported by its first jigsaw festival.

The Christchurch Jigsaw Club will start again on Friday, December 1st (from 6.30pm). All are welcome on Friday evenings but completed jigsaws can be donated any day time at Christchurch.