ONE of the biggest Scout and Guide groups in Yorkshire is aiming to go net zero to help save the planet — and they need you to get involved.

The Ben Rhydding (De Mohicanen) Scout & Guide Group has more than 250 young people active in the various sections including Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.

Their Hut is also used by other community groups including the Moortime Special Needs Support Group.

One of the Group’s priorities is to reduce their impact on the environment and they have ambitions for their Group Headquarters to become Net Zero. Their hut was assessed by Arup as part of work for Scouts UK – and they were provided with an assessment and road map to get to Net Zero. The Group has self-funded a number of initiatives to reduce their energy consumption including LED lights and motion sensors as well as good insulation and double glazed windows.

Now they want to get the hut to generate renewable energy through the installation of solar panels on the roof.

Dave Byrne, a member of the board of trustees, said: “The panels will generate renewable energy for use by the Hut directly and excess power will be put back into the grid for the wider community to access.

“This will help us to lower our carbon footprint as well as engage the Scout & Guide groups on sustainability initiatives, build resilience to their power supply and importantly be part of the wider community action to mitigate climate change. “Solar panels will also reduce our energy bills allowing us to invest more into our young people and activities.”

The group is hoping to raise around £18,000 to install the solar panels and is looking for help.

The Group is seeking the community’s support in their ambition, and a JustGiving Page has been set up at

They are also offering sponsorship of the solar panels. For £450 per panel or £225 per half panel, an individual or business will be recognised as a supporter in a plaque within the Hut. For more information about this get in touch with the group directly on the email address below.

They would also be happy to hear from you if your businesses would be able to support in other ways to help them in achieving their goal.

To get in touch please email: