ILKLEY'S MP Robbie Moore is to meet Government ministers as part of his campaign to 'break away' from Bradford Council.

The MP raised his bid during Prime Minister's Questions this week - and Mr Sunak told Mr Moore he would arrange for the relevant minister to discuss the matter with him.

Mr Moore – supported by fellow Conservative MP, Shipley's Philip Davies – wants to see smaller unitary authorities being created through his Local Authority Boundaries (Referendums) Bill, which had its second reading in the Commons earlier this year.

He accuses Labour-run Bradford Council of "ignoring" Ilkley residents and failing to represent their best interests.

But Labour has described his campaign as "bizarre".

Mr Moore told the Commons: "For too long, Bradford Council has failed to represent the best interests of my constituents, whether in its catastrophic failures on children's services, its inability to invest our own council tax back into Keighley and Ilkley, or its refusal to instigate a review into child sexual exploitation across the Bradford district.

"Local residents and I are fed up of being ignored by Bradford Council - and we want out.

"Will the Prime Minister meet me to discuss my case for leaving Bradford Council and creating our own unitary authority that better represents Keighley and Ilkley, putting our priorities first?"

Mr Sunak said: "I know my honourable friend is a passionate campaigner on this issue, having even introduced a Private Member's Bill on it earlier this year.

"I agree that his council should be working to ensure that it delivers good services for all its residents, including his constituents, and I will certainly arrange for the relevant minister to discuss his concerns further with him."

Speaking after Prime Minister’s questions, Mr Moore said: “We deserve better from our local leaders. That’s why I want to see Keighley and Ilkley reclaim our independence from Bradford Council, who are so clearly failing to represent our best interests.

"Just this week, we saw Bradford Council riding roughshod over local voices, forcing through their blanket 20mph scheme with speed humps on Ilkley despite resounding opposition.

"Residents are fed up with Bradford Council ignoring Ilkley and constantly trying to shift the blame for their failures. The reality is that their catastrophic failures on Children’s Services, their refusal to instigate a review into child sexual exploitation in our District and their inability to invest our own council tax back into Ilkley are all failures which lie squarely with the Council itself."

He added: "I look forward to my meeting with Ministers and further discussions with the Prime Minister on this issue, where I will stand up for our area and make our case for a truly local authority.”

Bradford Council leader Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe has previously argued against the proposal to split the district, saying it does not make sense to set up two local authorities as it would double the costs.

Speaking during Prime Minister's Questions Labour's Sarah Owen, the shadow minister for Levelling Up, Housing, Communities and Local Government, described Mr Moore's bill as a "bizarre piece of legislation".

She added: "It is a shame that Mr Moore used his opportunity to speak in the House about local government by advocating for unneeded changes to boundaries rather than calling for existing councils to be adequately supported.

"If things are so bad – they already have a Tory MP and a Tory Government – the possibility of a Tory-run local authority probably is not going to help the situation."