A DECISION on whether to allow a housing development on green belt land in Ilkley will be made on Thursday.

Thirty-five homes could be built on the green belt land at Skipton Road, Ilkley, if the scheme is given the go ahead.

The plans would see the development of 35 affordable dwellings, consisting of 12 pairs of semi detached houses, two detached houses and one three storey block of nine apartments.

Submitted by Mr Martin Fox, the application will go before Bradford Council's Regulatory and Appeals Committee on Thursday.

Planning officers are recommending approval of the application subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement.

A report before the committee says the development benefits from an exception to inappropriate development of the green belt as it is the "redevelopment of previously developed land to meet an identified affordable housing need without resulting in substantial harm to the openness of the Green Belt. The development would deliver much needed affordable housing in the context of a five-year housing land supply shortfall and the persistent under delivery of affordable housing in the Wharfedale."

The report adds: "The development would result in ‘less than substantial harm’ to the setting of nearby heritage assets. The harm incurred would be outweighed by the public benefits of delivering much needed affordable housing.

"A Section 106 Agreement would secure the affordable housing provision as well a contribution of £16,526.84 towards offsetting recreational pressures arising from the development on the South Pennine Moors SPA/SAC.

"The application is recommended for approval subject to completion of the Section 106 Agreement and the imposition of the recommended conditions."

The site is located immediately north of Skipton Road (A65) approximately 1.4km west of Ilkley town centre. It is broadly triangular and consists of 1.1 hectares of predominantly despoiled land. The application site is identified as one of the preferred allocations for residential development in Ilkley in the emerging local plan.

Nine objections were received in connection with the application when it was advertised in November, 2021.

Ilkley Town Council said it objects to the proposal but would "welcome the opportunity for further public consultation on this application which has the potential to address the longstanding need within Ilkley for genuinely affordable housing for the local community".

The committee meets on Thursday, September 28 at 10am in the Council Chamber at City Hall, Bradford.