MEMBERS of Bradford District Licensing Panel will next week consider an application for a premises licence for the sale of alcohol and the provision of entertainment indoors and outdoors at East Holmes Field, Denton Road, Ilkley.

The application has been made by Edward Kean of Ravens Trades, a limited company based in Shipley, and is for the sale of alcohol and provision of entertainment Monday to Sunday between noon and 8pm on East Holmes Field.

The application has attracted several objections from individuals raising concerns of criminal and anti-social behaviour and a breach of the Public Space Protection Order if the sale or consumption of alcohol is allowed on the site. Concerns are also raised regarding noise nuisance from events held at the site, littering and the lack of toilet facilities.

One concerned resident said: “This is a wholly inappropriate proposal for East Holmes Field. Over the last few years local residents, in partnership with Friends of Ilkley Riverside parks and local councillors, have pushed for action to tackle anti-social behaviour at East Holmes Field.

“Introducing a licensed premises would do away with any progress that has been made to deal with anti-social behaviour and will reinforce the perception that the field is a ‘no go area’ for residents in summer.

“The proposal to use East Holmes Field for event space and West Holmes Field for parking will take away two important community assets that are well used by both local residents and visitors. A number of businesses in Ilkley have told me how events like this in fact do not increase footfall in the town centre, but instead channel people away from spending in the town centre.”

The panel meets on Tuesday, August 22, at 10am in City Hall, Bradford.

To see the full application visit: