Ilkley & District u3a will hold its annual showcase event on Saturday, July 1 at the Clarke Foley Centre in the centre of Ilkley.

A spokesperson for the organisation said: "Time to spare after the world of work or kids have left home but not ready yet to just drift along?

"Well this u3a showcase may be just what you’re looking for. An opportunity to open new horizons through meeting others with similar interests.

"Ilkley & District u3a is perhaps unique as it’s a volunteer organisation that provides the opportunity for anyone to share their passion and interest for any number of different topics. No wonder nearly 2,000 local residents are members taking advantage of well over 100 different interest groups."

The chair of the local u3a, Jacqui Wellbrook, moved to Otley with husband Lee from Kent where they were both active in the Thanet u3a. Asked to explain u3a, Jackie said: "It’s about lifelong learning, the sharing of new experiences and skills in an enjoyable way."

For those who have never have heard of u3a, here is an opportunity to find out more on the mornin of Saturday, July 1 when the whole of Clarke Foley is taken over to allow visitors to discover the many groups. Examples include Railways, Discussing the News, Disco Dancing, Walking Cricket, Visiting Historic Houses and Art Appreciation. There are also a number of walking groups catering for different levels of fitness.

A typical member of u3a is someone with time on their hands and wanting to meet with likeminded folk to share their interests.

Michelle Watson explains that she took early retirement from nursing after the pandemic and then met Margaret Cartwright through the u3a Singing for Pleasure group. Michelle said: "We both realised it was hard moving into retirement from busy working lives and decided to start a new group just for those in a similar situation. It’s called Moor2Life."

Always looking to innovate, u3a has recently worked with a local tennis club so members can enjoy a variety of classes in the off peak times at a cheaper rate. Peter Mate, a member of both the u3a and the tennis club gym explains: "Members of u3a enjoy tailored sessions on Pilates, move freely and Spin whilst the tennis club has benefited from extra income when its facilities were underutilised."

As a volunteer organisation, everyone contributes to the running of the organisation. So the annual subscription is only £15. Join u3a at the Showcase and the next renewal will be July 31, 2024, so 13 months for the price of 12.

Some groups such as walking or those that meet in someone’s home have no additional cost. Others that hire meeting rooms share the cost amongst those attending.

To find out more, turn up at Clarke Foley (near central car park in Ilkley) on Saturday 1st July from 10:30am to 1pm. Whilst there, pick up a copy of the latest u3a magazine and enter a prize draw to win afternoon tea for two at Bettys.

Alternatively make an Internet search for Ilkley & District u3a to reach their website.