On Saturday (June 24) Councillor Anne Hawkesworth (Ind, Ilkley) gathered with Ben Rhydding residents to mark the obtaining and siting of two benches at “Sparrow Park” on Wheatley Lane.

"We are thrilled to have managed to obtain two benches for Ben Rhydding," said Cllr Hawkesworth. “A just giving page was set up to raise money. However, one bench has been paid for by Dorothea Drew, widow of Alan. So one of the two benches has a commemoration plate fixed. Alan was one of the driving forces in the fight to retain the Wheatley pub about 20 years ago. It has meant a lot to many Ben Rhydding residents (my late son Nicholas had worked there on a casual basis whilst at university)."

The two benches are placed close together to enable residents to meet and chat and provide a focus for the village.

Dorothea Drew said: “It’s so pleasing to be able to look out of my kitchen window and see a reminder of Alan."

Cllr Hawkesworth added: "Thanks also to resident Thomas Lowe who voiced concerns when the council removed a decrepit bench over a year ago seemingly with no intention to replace."