ILKLEY district councillors have this week met with a representative of West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) to discuss local primary school bus services.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority has been conducting a review of a number of its Mybus primary school services which do not meet its value for money criteria, including the P98 and P99 which serve All Saints, Ashlands, Ben Rhydding and Sacred Heart primary schools.

Now a report, due to be discussed at a meeting on WYCA’s transport committee on Friday, reveals the P99 service is on a list of services to be withdrawn at the end of the current academic year, but the P98 service will continue.

The report says of the P98 service: “Concerns were raised by parents and the school regarding the distance travelled and the lack of alternatives. The feasibility of a number of different options were explored. A cost-effective solution has been found which adapts a service to St Mary’s Catholic School, Menston. Students for Sacred Heart school would board after St Mary’s students had alighted and so there would be no overlap.”

Cllr Andrew Loy (Con, Ilkley) and Cllr David Nunns (Con, Ilkley) sought an urgent meeting with WYCA which took place this week.

Cllr Andrew Loy said: “We were pleased to hear there will be no changes to the P98 service, including the route and fares. The headteacher of Sacred Heart School led a fantastic effort by the whole school community to retain this service. We were glad to support this and it is a huge relief that the service has been saved.

“While we have raised our concerns about the withdrawal of the P99 and urged Tracy Brabin, the West Yorkshire Mayor, to reverse it, unfortunately it currently looks like the withdrawal of this service will go ahead. If you have any concerns about this, please get in touch and we will be happy to provide further information or represent your concerns to WYCA as appropriate.”

Speaking about the withdrawal of the P99 bus, Cllr David Nunns added: “It is very disappointing that WYCA has made this decision, especially after a determined campaign by local parents and a petition, which I was pleased to set up, supported by almost 600 people. My children and grandchildren went to school in Ilkley, so I know how concerned parents will be.”