ILKLEY'S MP Robbie Moore has joined calls for a reform to the NHS dentistry service saying 'getting to see an NHS dentist can itself feel like pulling teeth'.

In a speech to the House of Commons, the MP recognised the frustration experienced by residents in securing timely dental appointments, highlighting the challenges faced by constituents in accessing NHS dental care.

Moore shared specific cases of constituents who have struggled to secure NHS dental appointments since the start of 2023 such as one resident having to travel 50 miles away to Sheffield for treatment and another facing unexpected costs when trying to access local dental services.

He said in his speech in the House of Commons on April 27: "Over the past year, there has been a significant increase in the number of constituents writing to me in frustration because they cannot secure an NHS dentist appointment. Only last week, one constituent had to make an appointment 50 miles away in Sheffield, as she could not get a local NHS appointment and could not afford a private one. Another constituent kindly contacted me, dismayed at the fact that they had been contacting local dentists listed on the NHS website as available and taking patients - it turned out that they were not. My constituent tried to contact another dentist, which was only accepting children. My constituent ended up having to pay up to £80 up front for them and their three-year-old to see a local dentist. That is not acceptable."

The MP is urging the government to take action to address the issue, calling for a greater focus on early prevention efforts for young people, the prioritisation on the recruitment and retention of dental professionals, integrating dentistry representation within integrated care boards and the need for comprehensive contract reform.

Speaking after making the speech Mr Moore said: “Access to quality dental care is vital and it is unacceptable to hear that some residents are struggling to secure securing timely appointments.

"In Parliament, I shared just a few of the many real-life stories that highlight the urgency of the situation, and I am calling on the government and NHS bodies to prioritise dental care reforms, including recruiting more dentists, better prevention efforts for young people, integration of dentistry representation in care boards, and comprehensive contract reform.

"We need to ensure that everyone in our constituency receives the dental care they need and deserve.”