WE hear of, and indeed know, that Ilkley is a forward-thinking town with a positive attitude and embrances its residents young and old.

It provides opportunities to get involved with all manner of apsects of town life and regularly champions its youngsters.

It was, therefore, disturbing to hear of a suspected 'vigilante' who appears to be taking exception to young people congregating on benches in the shelter near paddling pool on the edge of Ilkley moor.

These young people appear to be doing nothing wrong and are doing what all young people like to do - gather in groups and enjoy one another's comnpany in lovely surroundings, away from busy areas and generally minding their own business.

Occasionally young people can become bothersome if noise is involved near residential areas in any town or city, but these latest incidents appear to be acts against them and someone, male or female; no one is sure yet, has been smearing dog mess on the benches where these youngsters sit.

The Friends of Ilkley Moor are understandably disgusted and doubtless will go and clear it up, but have vowed to try and find out who has caused the vandalism. They have reported it to the police.

Perhaps who is doing it could better themselves in getting involved in town groups and maybe try and understand what young people want. Were they themsevles not young once? Maybe they are still young? 

I can only imagine the horror the youngsters felt when they saw what had happened to the benches and hope when they are cleaned, that that is the last of it. It is petty and disgusting. This is well-heeled Ilkley, after all.