GUISELEY and Rawdon ward councillors have welcomed news from the Highways Department that funding is no longer allocated for a proposed multi-storey car park on Netherfield Road in Guiseley.

Conservative councillors Paul Alderson and Paul Wadsworth feel this is a success for the local groups and residents who opposed the plan from the outset.

An update given to the councillors details there are no funds allocated for further development work or planning applications related to the car park proposal.

Councillor Paul Wadsworth (Conservative, Guiseley and Rawdon Ward) said: “Given this update from the Council’s Highways Department, I would now like to think this idea is not even in the long grass, it is no more.

“I didn’t agree with it and thought money could be better spent elsewhere. I’m sure cyclists and drivers would agree there are many other problems in the highway, as well as problems with public transport in our area where the money should have been directed first.”

Councillor Paul Alderson (Conservative, Guiseley and Rawdon Ward) said: “We have long said this proposal is not necessary. I would like to think the Council will now be putting its efforts into projects that will make positive benefit to the residents of Guiseley and Rawdon.

“We were aware of the local opposition to this and shared that view. We are pleased that it seems to have gone from being paused to now not being considered at all. This is just sensible.”

Cllr Eleanor Thomson (Labour, Guiseley and Rawdon) said: "It is good to have clarity on the car park, as there was some confusion last year after a report was released. I followed up on that immediately and was assured that there were no immediate plans to proceed. The proposals had largely been based on pre-pandemic travel patterns and requests for addressing the resulting parking problems around Guiseley station, but much has changed since then.

"There was a strong community response against the proposals at consultation in 2021 (I was not an elected member at that time, but took as active a role in it as I could), which I emphasised in all my discussions at Transport Committee, with officers and elected members. I could not have supported it and am glad that it is not going ahead,

"If travel patterns change in the future and extra parking is needed, then we must make sure that any plans are consulted on thoroughly and that the community is engaged as early as possible. I will be looking for ways to improve active travel in the area, making it easier and safer to cycle or walk to the station for those who wish to do so. This is something that came up repeatedly during the 2021 consultation."

A West Yorkshire Combined Authority spokesperson said: “Record levels of inflation, combined with the knock-on effects of Brexit, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, are having a significant impact on the costs of infrastructure projects across the country.

“We have worked closely with our local authority partners to minimise this disruption and ensure no part of the region is unfairly impacted as we identify schemes that can be paused and delivered over a longer time period.

“Leeds City Council has confirmed no additional funding is currently being sought for the scheme at this time for the Rail Park and Ride scheme at Guiseley due to these unprecedented financial pressures.”