Children at Moorfield School and Nursery, Ilkley, took part in Wear Red Day on February 3 to help raise the profile of Heart Awareness Month and to raise money for the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund in Yorkshire. The money raised will go to the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit, providing lifesaving equipment and support to babies, children and adults born with a heart defect.

Wear Red Day also ties in with the launch of Moorfield’s recently purchased defibrillator which is currently located in the entrance porch to the school and will be available not only to the school community but also the local neighbourhood.

Headmistress Tina Herbert said: “We are investigating the costs associated with locating the defibrillator on the wall outside the school entrance gate as ultimately we would like the local community and our neighbours in Ben Rhydding to benefit from this important initiative at all hours of the day and night. We are thrilled that we have managed to raise over £600 so far, but our goal is to raise another £1000 so that we can relocate the defibrillator externally and we will be organising various fund-raising events in school during the coming months.”