Community minded workmen have clubbed together to help restore a landmark building in Burley-in-Wharfedale.

Hundreds of pounds worth of lead was stolen from The Roundhouse in the village last autumn leaving the building vulnerable to water damage.

The thieves struck overnight leaving Burley Community Trust, which rents the building from Bradford Council, with a hefty repair bill. Following the theft it was discovered that the roof was not covered by insurance for the theft.

Quotations for the work were obtained from several companies but because of the cost, the trust could not afford to pay for the remedial work to repair the roof.

However, roofers Paul Williams and Andy Gardiner, of Burley Roofers, offered to do the work for the cost of the materials only in a bid to save the historic building.

A spokesman for the trust said: "The planning office insisted on a lead replacement rather than a lead substitute.

"The roofers offered to help and their offer was gladly taken up. The roof is now fully repaired and waterproof again and we are able to resume normal activities there with the interior now dry again."