TV and radio panellist Lucy Porter is bringing her latest tour to Otley next month.

Lucy Porter: Be Prepared – will be staged at Otley Courthouse on November 13.

Be Prepared is a show all about dealing with life’s difficulties and is Lucy’s 15th hour of solo stand-up comedy and follows a very successful run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

A spokeswoman said:"When Lucy was in the 3rd Croydon Brownies, she thought she was being taught everything she’d need to succeed in life. All a girl required to stay safe and sound was an emergency 10p for the phone box, a length of string and a penknife. Now there are no phone boxes, and carrying a knife is generally frowned upon. At least she’s still got her piece of string.

"The Brownie motto was ‘Be Prepared’ but over the years, Lucy has time and again found herself taken unawares by the universe, and utterly unready for the challenges she’s faced.

"Now she is faced with working out what her own kids need to equip them for the modern world. She’s enrolled them in Beavers and Cub Scouts, and they’re off camping in the woods just like mum did at their age. Are the old-fashioned skills of pathfinding and fire-building still useful in our technologically rich age? Will they in fact need to be mini-Bear Grylls to cope with the apocalyptic wasteland we’ve caused with global warming?

"Lucy Porter will be using her years of experience to help you, the audience, be prepared for whatever life may throw at you. There will be a smattering of singing, and even a camp-fire (health and safety regulations permitting.) We will get to grips with what leads to success and failure - and Lucy will end up blaming all her woes on her time in the 3rd Croydon Brownies. You may even win a badge! What is guaranteed is that you will enjoy the warm, feel-good comedy that Lucy is eminently prepared to provide."

Lucy Porter is a regular face and voice on TV and radio panel shows having appeared on Live at the Apollo, QI, Mock the Week, Insert Name Here, Have I Got News for You, Room 101 and Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled. Visit