A YORKSHIRE veterinary practice is advising dog owners to make sure their pets are protected against lungworm, as cases of the potentially fatal parasite soar across the UK.

White Cross Vets, which has local practices in Guiseley and Eccleshill, has already seen numerous lungworm cases across its 21 UK practices this year.

The parasite, which is officially known as Angiostrongylus vasorum, lives among slugs and snails and can be extremely dangerous if left untreated. Despite its name, the parasite actually travels around the whole body, generally living in the heart or major blood vessels and can cause an array of issues including breathing problems, seizures, heart failure, weight loss and nose bleeds.

However, it is easily preventable with a monthly tablet or spot on, prescribed by a vet, that will also protect the dog against other common parasites.

Tom Ward from White Cross Vets in Guiseley explained: “Lungworm is a really nasty parasite that causes all types of serious problems. Dogs become infected with lungworm if they eat slugs and snails, or from licking at their slime trails, which can also find their way into puddles, grass and undergrowth, as well as in water bowls and on toys left outside.

“The problem increases in wet and warm weather when there is naturally more slug and snail activity, which is what we’ve experienced this year. We also know the UK’s dog population has soared during lockdown and that is also likely to be contributing to an increase in lungworm cases, especially because it commonly affects puppies due to their curious nature.

“Crucially, lungworm is a lot easier to prevent than it is to cure and treatment of infected pets can result in serious complications. As a result, it’s particularly important that dog owners protect their pets against lungworm with a routine monthly treatment.

“There aren’t any over the counter products available from pet shops that will prevent lungworm, so dog owners should consult their local veterinary practice and also check that any treatments they are currently giving their dog protects against lungworm.”

White Cross Vets, which is part of IVC Evidensia, has been caring for pets for 80 years, having started in West Yorkshire in 1937 and now employs a 300 strong team across 21 practices in the UK. For more information about White Cross Vets, visit www.whitecrossvets.co.uk.