AN Ilkley Primary School has a smart new Early Years Outdoors setting thanks to the hard work of volunteers.

Michelle Atkinson, Foundation Stage Leader at All Saints’ Primary School, Ilkley, said: “As all schools, we are struggling for money to update and add to our environment and our outdoor provision and garden was in need of a little TLC.

“A parent at our school Paul Jowett who works for Open Reach spoke to his manager and they offered their time and resources to support us.

“A group of five ‘Open Reach’ Engineers spent two days developing and making a gravel pit for the children to dig and be active outdoor learners and also, a raised bed area for the children to grow vegetables and fruit.

“They also re-seeded the grassed area to make it look tidy and complete. They worked so hard and were very helpful. We are so grateful for their time and support with this project.”