Woody was an important capture for The Strollers. An accomplished athlete in his youth and middle years, he excelled in a variety of sports, soccer, rugby, cross country and hockey.

It was no surprise, therefore, that when he signed for The Strollers great things were expected of him.

With the same sharp brain and physique of Sam Allardyce, Woody was determined to bring invention to the way Walk Football is played.

He quickly learned that tackling from behind was banned, so Woody took tackling with his behind to a new level of skill.

As a natural wingback, he terrifies opposing forwards by moving at right angles to the oncoming player who is faced by the daunting sight of a muscular buttock.

Then as the bemused player attempts to swerve past, Woody rotates the other flank thus completing the “revolving door” tackle which not only sends Strollers’ fans into paroxysms of rapture but has also captured the imagination of Gareth Southgate and Pep Guardiola.

Aside from his formidable defensive skills, Woody is also the Strollers’ bon viveur initiating the team into the delights of Burley’s curry kingdom as well as the craft beers of Ilkley speakeasies.