HARDEN beauty spot St Ives is renowned for its wildlife.

Everything from deer to rabbits can be seen at the popular site.

But even volunteer guardians of the estate were left open-mouthed when they heard about the latest creature to be sighted there – a bright pink hippo!

The giant, resin 'animal' was spotted close to a picnic table.

Horse riders raised the alarm after their steeds were startled by the musing mammal.

"We have absolutely no idea where the hippo came from – it's a complete mystery," said the Friends of St Ives chairman, Mrs Pam Laking.

"Reports started coming in about four weeks ago from members of the public.

"Some people thought it had been put there officially, but we're totally baffled.

"It's big and quite heavy – and wouldn't fit in the back of your average car – so someone went to considerable lengths to take it to the estate."

Site owner Bradford Council was alerted, and workmen removed the creature.

But animal lovers have no reason to fear.

Through the charity Participate, the hippo has been adopted by a children's project.

"I'm delighted it has been found an appropriate home where it will give a lot of fun," said Mrs Laking.